Wednesday, 1 May 2013

A few little tops

I have used the Oliver + S hopscotch pattern to make several knit tops and a dress.  The cross-over neckline and the little, gathered centre front are what lifts this from being another ordinary T-shirt or t-shirt dress. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the neckline always seems to come out very even.  This is important because the perfectionist in me dislikes uneven binding that (I think) makes a garment look homemade.  It also brings back memories of the school t-shirts my mother made us about 30 years ago which, funnily enough, didn't look like any of the other kids' t-shirts....

I ordered some more Spoonflower prints in their knit fabric because
1) there is so much choice
2) no-one else is likely to have the same fabric - let alone the same pattern made up in the same fabric -  so there is very little chance of a fashion faux pas

3) because I am addicted

Funky Fantasy Flowers - Warm Spring on White (Medium).

I made this into the hopscotch dress


which Rosa is rockn' with her purple leggings!

Oliver   S hopscotch dress

The second material was used for a short-sleeved top

Funky Feathered Friends

and the modelled shot

Rosa in Oliver   S hopscotch top
Rosa's own headband

I also recently made another long-sleeved t-shirt for the upcoming cooler months.  Again, I found an appropriate fabric on Spoonflower but I used the Ottobre design creative workshop 301 - Best t-shirt Pattern.

The fabric was an age-appropriate print, Fairy islands, 1916 by craftyscientists

Fairy Islands, 1916

Ottobre t-shirt size 104cm

Ottobre workshop 301 t-shirt size 104cm
It will be interesting to see how well these prints wear.  After the first wash I thought that some of the dye had come out and the print was not as bright, and in some areas such as the neckline there appears to be some show-through of the base fabric (where the binding has stretched a little).  I wonder if there is a way of reducing the likelihood of fading: a really hot iron to set the print before washing, or adding vinegar or salt to the wash (in the same way that you would add these after fabric dying)? 


A little bling added to the flowers

And, I just have to add, none of these tops look like something my mother would have made!

Unfortunately, there appears to be a model and/or photographer strike in Wellington and there are no modelled photos currently.... 

Or, perhaps, Rosa has decided that now that she is an internet star she can be more demanding and fussy about what she will wear!


  1. Gorgeous. I think Rosa is a star in the making!

  2. That fairy long sleeve T is awesome. Just don't do what I did to some Spoonflower fabric and wash it with the dark jeans, accidently dye it, then try using Colour Run Remover. Disastrous all round!

    1. Oops! Unfortunately I give nearly everything I sew away so have no control over how things are washed etc after they leave the sewing room. But Rosa's mum take note and learn from Lightning's mistake!
      Lightning, have you had any problems with fading (except for the obvious)? I think I'd be devastated if it became an issue

    2. I haven't tried their knits, but yes, the woven fabrics have faded a little. Unfortunately it's been uneven fading along crease lines in the wash. I guess printed patterns will never wear like woven patterns.

  3. Love your tops, the placement of the fairies is pure genius. I made my granddaughter nighties out of Spoonflower knits (love the feel) and after a few washes the pattern had totally disappeared, it was cream with light blue dolphins on it. I had thought it was just the amount of washing it went thru and also everything has to go thru a dryer (very high humidity and nothing dries properly) If you have any luck with vinegar etc please let us know. Love their stuff just disappointed with the fading . Good luck, Sherry

    1. I recently washed some newly acquired Spoonflower knits and cut a small square of a previously used and laundered knit in the machine at the same time. I also popped some white vinegar in the wash. After a trial of 1 wash there was no obvious difference between this fabric and the piece I cut it off. Not very scientific but it made me a little more comfortable with these knits. I'll wash the cut-off a few more times and see what happens....
