First up was a little jacket I made from a pattern in one of my many Japanese pattern books
I had initially intended to sew this out of a relatively expensive Echino fabric but the last Japanese pattern I used for Miss L did not last very long before she outgrew it. So I made up a trial jacket just in case this too proved to be a little on the small side....
I liked the little flaps on the jacket and used my freezer paper technique to ensure they were both identical
Unfortunately, I probably should have made the next size up as this jacket is a "little bit tight" according to Miss L's mum. Phew, at least I didn't waste the Echino fabric!
I also made another version of the Birthday Party dress from Oliver and S
and another Ice-Cream top (also Oliver and S) for Miss L
I didn't like the instructions for how the yoke and lower back pieces were stitched together so I made an alteration to the pattern:
I made the lining and yoke piece as instructed resulting in two free edges at the centre back. However, I then unpicked both pieces 15mm from the bottom edge and stitched the lining fabric pieces together and then the main fabric pieces together (as I have tried to demonstrate here)
This allowed me to treat the back yoke piece in the same way as the front and I sewed the lower back piece to the lining and then folded over and topstitched the yoke in place. This left a much more professional looking and neater finish on the garment edge.
Another Oliver and S design that I completed was the Puppet Show Shorts Pattern
I used a distressed looking quilting cotton and I think they look quite funky. The pockets are gathered, have a band attached and and are stitched on the side
The Oliver and S patterns are a good fit for Miss L and certainly appear to be a better bet than the Japanese pattern books. I like the Oliver and S style as it is a classic look and generally the patterns are well written and easy to follow.
There were also a couple of long-sleeve tops for Miss L:
Ottobre 1/2012 number 16 with its ruffled sleeves (with the very original title
of "Funny Sleeves")
From the creative workshop t-shirt pattern for kids
I used my binder on my coverstitch machine to apply both of the neck bindings and think they worked out pretty well
I used the creative workshop pattern to make one of the boys a long-sleeve shirt also. The fabric and binding came from Dots N Stripes and I think these two work really well together
And, I used the Kung Fu pants pattern to make Master T some shorts
back pocket details
I also whipped up a few items for Master A using a few of my favorite Ottobre patterns
It was fortuitous that I had a huge amount of this fabric as Master A has outgrown his "favorite" origin t-shirt and desperately wanted another!
This hideous interesting material has been in my stash for many years (what was I thinking?!?) but actually didn't look too bad made up into a little boys t-shirt. And it has all those things that boys are made of (slugs and snails and puppy dogs' tails...) or lots of other creepy crawlies...
This weekend I made a (little girl's) skirt out of material I found in my stash. It is the Indigo skirt (number 18) from 01/2011. I didn't need to buy a thing: the denim was a left over from another project; the zip and button were in my stash; the topstitching thread was a King Tut quilting thread from Superior threads; and the plaid was something I think I bought about 12 years ago to make myself some shorts! Luckily I never got around to it.
I used my embroidery module to do the back pockets
I have also been doing some knitting and, although I bought the wool in Berlin and started this at Christmas time, I didn't get around to finishing this jumper until about 2 months ago!
There are no pictures of MY top yet but if I am brave I may actually take some photos and put them on the blog.
I started a new quilt pattern which has a very retro feel to it - but in a good way - and I will show it when I have completed a little more of it. However, I imagine that it will go on the back burner until later in the year because the first week in May is 'Sewing Week' where sister N will venture south and we will sew, sew and sew and wriggle with excitement at all the lovelies that we will create....
Wow! Nice work j_wo, but we really do want to see the top you made for YOU. I reckon that sister N might be jealous about the professional finish of the binder. Looks great